Year 6E
Welcome to 6E
It is an exciting year for your children as they continue their journey through school and complete their final year here at Our Lady & St Gerard’s.
Our classroom is a happy and positive working environment, where praise and encouragement are used to motivate and support all of the children. I ask that each child tries their best and develops a resilient attitude towards learning.
Throughout the year, lots of new and exciting learning will take place. Your children will be challenged to be the very best they can be and encouraged to take part in every aspect of school life. I value the support you give your child at home with reading, spelling, learning times tables and delving into any topic-based research or interests your children may express.
Please do not hesitate to speak to me if you have any questions throughout the year. I look forward to working with you and watching your child blossom as the year progresses.
Mrs Edwards
Year 6 Overview of Themes 2020-2021
Summer Term
Our last term at primary school has arrived and we are going to make the most of it! We will have fun on a Viking Adventure, we will travel through North America, learning about the climate and landscape and will put our artistic skills into action creating collages. Our P.E. lessons will continue to be on Tuesday and Friday. Also, remember that reading books should be brought to school on Fridays and will be changed on Mondays.
Viking Day
We had fun on Viking Day. We were archaeologists, examining Viking poo, we made Viking Soup and our own Viking emblems. We even searched the school grounds for Runes and decoded a message from the past!
Design and Technology
We designed and made accessories for our Viking Day outfits.
Class Sports Day
Viking Invasion
We started the Spring Term learning from home - take a look at some of the amazing work we completed during this time. See if you can spot examples of our R.E., history, English, art and science work as you watch the slideshow. From 8th March our P.E. lessons will be on Tuesday and Friday. Also, remember that reading books should be brought to school on Fridays and will be changed on Mondays.
Bread Making
R.E. Crosses
Classifying Sweets in Science
SumDog Class Champion Spring Term 2
Stations of the Cross
Making our 'Biomes in a Bag'
Autumn Term
During the Autumn Term, we loved learning about World War II and creating poems about the war. We enjoyed reading Boy in the Tower, Letters from the Lighthouse and Carrie's War. Our Ninja Maths scores started to soar, our orienteering and team work skills developed and we had great fun designing and making a moving Christmas Ornament, which included an electrical system including a switch. Some even worked using a Crumble Board; we were able to program them to start and stop. At the start of the term we also completed a Bikeability course with South Ribble Sports Development and created acrylic paintings based on Hundertwasser's unique style.
Class Blog
Date: 15th December
Author: Emily Foster
The Word of God became human. “How is that possible?” you ask. Well, all believers and non- believers listen up. Here is the story about how the Word of God became a human being:
The story of the nativity begins with the Annunciation. One night when Joseph had gone to bed, Mary heard a call, “You’re going to have a baby called Jesus.” After many weeks of waiting, Mary and Joseph set off on a long journey to Bethlehem. When they arrived at Bethlehem, Mary and Joseph tried to find a place to stay for the night. The only place available was a dusty stable so they took the only place that they could. That cold winter’s night, the Son of God was born. The Messiah had arrived, just as God had promised. We know this because as Jesus grew up, he went on to walk on water, turn water into wine and even heal the blind.
So what does God ask us to do? God doesn’t want us to perform miracles, he doesn’t ask us to walk on water, turn water into wine or even heal the blind . No! God asks us to be kind, caring and helpful, to help others in need, keep the faith and always believe. This Christmas, this special time of year, think about others and how The Word of God became a human being. Let’s remember the true meaning of Christmas this year.
We created poetry videos and Powerpoints which we are extremely proud of. Select 'View Slideshow' so you can view our work at its best.
A special message