Covid Information January 2022
Covid information September 2021
COVID letters May 2021
COVID Risk Assessment & Guidance
Catch Up Premium Strategy
Home Learning
Please click the link above to see our Remote Learning Procedures. There is further information about our learning platforms, Purple Mash & Sumdog on our curriculum pages.
DfE Information for Parents/Carers - COVID
Coronavirus Information - school closures
As you are aware the school is now closed to the majority of pupils.
From January, the government announced plans for a further 'Lockdown' and for schools to provide education remotely for pupils. Vulnerable pupils and pupils with Critical Worker parents will be offered places.
Walk to school
A Back To School Social Story
Thanks to The Rainbow Classroom for this social story about going back to school.
Please enjoy it with your children.
The Little Book of Hope
Thanks to The Yogi Group for this little activity booklet which you can enjoy with your children.
Home Learning
During any school closure, the teachers will be planning a range of learning experiences for your child which can be accessed by clicking the link below. These learning materials will be updated in the event of a local lockdown or school/bubble closure. We understand that it can sometimes be difficult working at home with your child so please just do what you can.
Thank You Key Workers!
Thank you to all the children who sent in their posters! These now take pride of place in the hospital and are cheering up the staff and patients. Thank you to one of our parents, a key worker who has displayed these and sent these photographs back to us - we are very proud! We have been told that everyone has commented on the creative designs and enjoyed looking at the children's messages.

We recently received this letter from Lancashire Teaching Hospitals:
Dear pupils of Our Lady and St Gerard’s,
On behalf of Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust please accept this letter of thanks for your beautiful contribution to the Connected Hearts appeal.
During this unprecedented time your support has provided a unique opportunity for patients and their relatives to stay connected with each other. Relatives and patients have both expressed their heartfelt appreciation for this small token of kindness, which would not have been possible without your input.
The positive contribution you have made however large or small has been felt by many; should you wish to continue please do so.
Thank you again from the bottom of all our “Hearts”.
Yours sincerely
Well done, children. We are so very proud of you!
Wow! We were so excited to have received this news feature from one of our parents!
We are so proud of our children and their families.
Click the image below to access the News Report.
Coronovirus Information
Following the recent coronavirus outbreak, the Health for Kids website has been updated with information about the coronavirus.
This webpage provides children with age-appropriate information to explain the coronavirus and the things they can do to help stop the spread of the virus and look after themselves physically and emotionally during this unsettling time.
To access the site, follow the link on the School Nursing page of the website.