
If anybody has any queries, please don't hesitate to email me at -
Every child in Nursery is allocated a key worker. You will be informed of your child's key worker who will;
- The key person works alongside parents and carers to ensure that there is continuity of care for the child thus supporting the child’s emotional well-being.
- The key person observes the child to identify how they learn through their play, their next aspect of development, what their interests are, whether there is any cause for concern or need for extra support.
Keep a record of your child's learning journey and update it regularly on Tapestry.
In the Early Years we have developed a wonderful curriculum which caters for the children's interests. The overview below contains an outline of the topics we cover, but the content of the topics are adapted according to the needs and interests of our children. To find out more information about our EYFS curriculum please see the curriculum map below.
Activities at Nursery
This term nursery and Reception will be following the theme of ‘The Great World’.
In nursery, we will be looking at the topic ‘zoo’ and ‘Minibeasts’
Some of the stories we will be reading are:
The Very Hungry Caterpillar
Dear Zoo
The very busy Spider
Letters and Sounds
Please can I remind parents that we follow a letter each week (reminders are often put on the nursery door) and that the children are allowed to bring in a small inexpensive item starting with the particular sound.
Week beginning 06.01.20- Recapping over the letters s,a,t,p,i,n,m,g,o,c, k, ck, e, u, r, h,b,f,ff,l,ll,ss,j,v,w,x,y,z,zz. Diagraphs, ‘qu’, ‘ch’,’sh’, ‘th’, ‘ng’ ‘ai’, ‘ee’ ‘igh’.
Week beginning 19.04.21- recapping over all the letters and diagraphs.
Week beginning 26.04.21- diagraphs ‘oa’ and ‘oo’.
Week beginning 03.05.21- diagraphs ‘ar’ and ‘or’.
Week beginning 10.05.21- diagraphs ‘ur’ and ‘ow’.
Week beginning 17.05.21- diagraphs ‘oi’ and ‘ear’.
Week beginning 24.05.21- recapping over all the letters.
Week beginning 14.06.21- recapping over all the letters and diagraphs.
Week beginning 21.05.21- diagraph ‘air’.
For the rest of the weeks we will be continuing to recap over all the sounds and diagraphs learnt- ready for Reception!
For the rest of the time at Nursery we will be continuing to recap over all the sounds learnt and deeply focusing on phase 2 tricky words. These are:
No, go, I, into, the and to.
Please keep listening to the tricky word’s song on YouTube. Here is the link below:
Here are some pictures of the girls writing and reading in Nursery. They are now using di-graphs and tricky words :)
Writing and reading in Nursery
NSPCC Number Day 2021
World Book Day 2021
The children really enjoyed coming to Nursery in their pyjamas.
Home Learning
Daily videos and planning will be put onto the Tapestry application. Please have a look at ‘memos’ once you have logged into your account.
'Have a lovely weekend ladies and thank you both for everything'
'Max really enjoyed Mrs Schilz' video, and found a couple of C items. Cushions, cars and candle!'
'Great videos, really helpful'
And thank you for all your hard work๐
Stay and Play Sessions
Unfortunately we cannot hold any ‘stay and play’ sessions at the moment due to the current pandemic. We hope these will be up and running soon.
If parents can please look at ‘memos’ on Tapestry for extra information regarding phonics and I will be adding some maths information this half term.
Helping my child to get ready to start school
The Early Years Consultants have produced this useful guidance for parents and carers, to help prepare children for starting school. Please find attached below. Even after your child has returned to school, you may find some of the strategies useful.