Spring 2
Welcome to 6V
It is an exciting year for your children as they continue their journey through school and complete their final year here at Our Lady & St Gerard’s. We look forward to working together to prepare your children for the next step as they embark on life at High School.
Our classroom is a happy and positive working environment, where praise and encouragement are used to motivate and support all of the children. We follow our Behaviour Charter, encouraging the children to: 'Be Safe'; 'Be a learner'; 'Be kind and respectful'. I ask that each child tries their best and develops a resilient attitude towards learning.
Throughout the year, lots of new and exciting learning will take place. Your children will be challenged to be the very best they can be and encouraged to take part in every aspect of school life. I value the support you give your child at home with reading, spelling, learning times tables and delving into any topic-based research or interests your children may express.
Every Friday, homework will be set on Sumdog. This will include maths, spelling and grammar. In addition, please encourage your child to read daily and sign their Reading Record once a week. Reading books should come to school every day.
We will be swimming on Mondays from 20th September until Christmas. Please ensure your child has their swimming costume, towel and swimming hat with them every Monday. P.E. will also be on Tuesdays. Full P.E. kit (black/navy shorts, white t-shirt and trainers) must be in school every Tuesday. Jewellery should not be worn.
Please do not hesitate to speak to me if you have any questions throughout the year. I look forward to working with you and watching your child blossom as the year progresses.
Mr Vaughan
This term will be looking at Poetry, starting with 'It is a Wonderful World'. The children will identify, discuss and write similes and metaphors. They will be building on ideas and exploring words within the poems. Children will explore a range of poems before writing their own based on our class example.
Our Narrative this term starts with Floodland by Marcus Sedgwick.
The children will work with polygons on coordinate grids. They will explore translation and reflection before moving on to express movement using algebra. We will begin to use a coordinates grid from different starting points and recode the coordinates of the point.
We will learn to present and interpret information in different ways. It will begin with lessons exploring the mean, but also briefly looking at other ways of showing averages. Children will calculate mean in different situations and use the mean to find other information. They then move on to showing information on different types of graph. They will revise bar graphs, pictograms and tables, then spend time drawing, reading and interpreting pie charts. Children will begin with pie charts split into sections of equal size, then quickly move on to pie charts with different fractions of different denominators. Next, we will focus on line graphs; drawing, reading and interpreting the information in them.
Children will investigate mirrors and shiny surfaces and how they alter the direction in which light travels and that when they see objects, light enters the eye. Children contrast reflection and shadow formation. Science learning will include also the works of key scientific figures like the British scientist Isaac Newton and invention of the first reflecting telescope.
We will voyage across the Atlantic and discover the continent of North America and all its amazing countries, cities and landscapes. The children will identify the 23 countries of North America, from the vast lands of the USA and Canada down through Central America and on to the Caribbean islands. On the way they will explore the various geographical features of different areas of North America and compare them with their own locality.
SATs Timetable
Year 6 text overview
Recommended Reading Books
We have selected these recommended reading lists from Peters Education to ensure that our children have access to a wide range of books. These books are all available in school and form our 'core' texts in our class libraries. These lists are chosen because they:
- link with our curriculum for each year group
- represent different cultures
- introduce children to new authors and expand their knowledge of familiar authors
- ensure progression
- match topics of interests for our children
- tackle current themes
Maths Overview
Autumn 1
Autumn 2
Spring 1
Meet The Teacher
The PowerPoint shared at this year's 'Meet the Teacher' is below.
SATs Meeting
Spring Term
Welcome back! It's been lovely to see all of the children!!
This term we will be covering a range of topics across the curriculum.
We have started to read our new class novel "The Nowhere Emporium" which will lead us to producing written work linked to the book. Please see our Overview for more details of what we will be covering as well as the photos of our learning.
This term your child will be set regular homework and will bring their books home every Friday. Homework is due back by the Wednesday after.
As always, I am available via Class Dojo or email Year6V@ourlady-st-gerards.lancs.sch.uk if you need to discuss anything.
Thank you for your ongoing support,
Mr Vaughan