School Council
School Council
Our School Council is made up of 8 democratically elected pupils from year 3 to year 6.
They are thoughtful, innovative and kind individuals who want to make a real difference to the school.
The school council meets once every half term to discuss upcoming charity events, pupil suggestions and potential whole school activities.
Why have a school council?
Article 12 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) says that children and young people should have a say in decisions that affect their lives. Our school council provides a meaningful way in which pupils can voice their opinions and have their views taken into account in decisions which impact upon them.
The curriculum requires that young people are provided with opportunities to participate in school and society. School councils are an excellent way in which to increase participation, teaching young people about democracy, local and global citizenship and accountability.
International Day of Democracy
On the 13th September all children in Key Stage 2 took part in a Democratic Vote for all pupil leadership roles in school. Children that wanted to be part of School Council had to prepare a speech outlining why they thought they were suitable for the role. Their names were then put on ballot papers and the children in class voted for who they would like as their class representative. The ballot papers were then posted in a ballot box in the hall and counted up when all the votes from every class were in.
The Role of School Council
Our School Council Representatives for the academic year 2023-2024
Member of Staff representative - Mrs J Eastham
Ben Year 3
My name is Ben, I am 8 years old and I am in Year 3A class. I applied to be part of school council because I am always well-behaved and am good at sorting out friendship issues. I think I will be good at helping to get things done in school.
Lucas Year 3
My name is Lucas and I am 8 years old and in Year 3. I believe I will be a good school council member because I am sensible and always respectful.
Emelia Year 4
My name is Emelia and I am 8 years old. I am in Year 4 Edison class and I am thrilled to be elected for school council. I am looking forward to representing my class and working with all the other members to make our school a better place.
Elsie Year 4 (Treasurer)
My name is Elsie and I am 9 years old. I am in Year 4 Pankhurst class. I am really looking forward to helping create new ideas for our school. I have lots of interests such as swimming, dancing and visiting my family in Scotland. I think I will be a passionate and hardworking member of School Council and will always follow our school motto, Placing God in our hearts, we will love, live and learn.
Jasmine Year 5 (Secretary)
My name is Jasmine, I am 10 years old and I am in Year 5. I am delighted to have been elected on to the school council this year. As the school council representative for my class I will look forward to making the school a better place for everyone. I am kind, thoughtful and friendly and would love and accept any ideas. I love to be active and sporty and play netball in my spare time. I am also talented at drawing and crafting. I have plenty of ideas for school council this year and am always available to answer questions and help people in school.
Jamie Year 5
My name is Jamie, I am 10 years old and am in Year 5. I think I will be an excellent school council representative because I really want to make a difference to people and continue to make our school a fantastic place.
Lucy Year 6 (Vice Chair)
My name is Lucy and the reason I wanted to be a school council representative is because I am confident and passionate about the job. I know that responsibility is the key for being a leader because the school council is there to make a difference for everyone in school. Although I can be serious at times, I love to have lots of fun by talking to people, cheering them up and doing what is right. I also love school and am a hungry learner who wants to achieve my goals. I am honest, kind and passionate and am always trying to be the best version of me!
Ava Year 6 (Chair)
My name is Ava, I am 11 years old and I am school council representative for Year 6 Kolbe. My hobby is going to climbing club on a Saturday. I will be an excellent representative because I am confident and good at generating new ideas in order to improve our school. I look forward to sharing these ideas with the rest of the council and wider school.
We met for the first time on the 21st September, whereby we received our School Council Badges and had our photographs taken for the website. Mrs Eastham gave us books to record notes and minutes from meetings in. We are really looking forward to getting involved and making positive changes in our school!
School Council led School Project
At the end of the academic year 2022-2023 School Council began a whole school art project linked to the environment aimed at improving our school environment. This has continued into this academic year and we hope to create some artwork that will be displayed in school.