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Our Lady & St. Gerard's

R.C. Primary School

United in love and the light of Jesus, we inspire one another to learn, grow and shine.

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EYFS video

Still image for this video

Please get in touch with any questions or queries.



Every child in Reception is allocated a key worker. Miss Best will be your child's key worker. 

  • The key person works alongside parents and carers to ensure that there is continuity of care for the child thus supporting the child’s emotional well-being.
  • The key person, and other staff, observes the child to identify how they learn through their play, their next aspect of development, what their interests are, whether there is any cause for concern or need for extra support.
  • They keep a record of your child's learning journey and update it regularly on Tapestry.



In the Early Years we have developed a wonderful curriculum which caters for the children's interests.  The overview below contains an outline of the topics we cover, but the content of the topics are adapted according to the needs and interests of our children. To find out more information about our EYFS curriculum please see the curriculum map below. 

For more information about our Early Years Curriculum please click the link below.


Summer term


It is our final term in Reception and what a brilliant year we have had. We have had a lovely first year of school making friends and learning lots! This term we will be working hard to get the children ready to move up into Year 1.


Please can we remind parents that as the weather is so nice, we will be spending lots of time outside. When it is sunny, please ensure your child is wearing sun cream as we cannot apply this in school. We also encourage children to bring a named hat.


We will begin this half term thinking about summer holidays and going to beaches, before moving onto looking at life under the sea.


In maths we will begin by looking at money and then moving onto counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. We will be spending lots of time working on our addition and subtraction skills and our problem solving.


For phonics, we will begin to start Phase 4, but we will still be recapping our Phase 3 sounds. We will continue to read with your child in school each week and the children also have a guided reading session with the teacher each week. Please continue to read with your child a little each day and comment on their record each week. 


PE will continue to be on a Friday. Please make sure your child has their full kit in school each day. They may bring joggers and velcro trainers. Please name everything. 


Homework will be added to Tapestry each week on a Friday. Please add photos to Tapestry of completed homework and any other special moments at home.


Any question please email me on


Thank you for all continued support, it is very much appreciated. 

Miss Best

Summer Term 2021


The summer term is always a very enjoyable term within reception. As we have much better weather, we will be spending more time outside and it is encouraged you do the same. On sunny days, please ensure your child is wearing sunscreen, as we cannot apply this in school. We also encourage children to bring a sunhat, please ensure this is named.


We will begin this half term thinking about dinosaurs and will then be thinking about minibeasts moving on to look at the season of summer. The children are producing brilliant work in literacy and we look forward to sharing this both on the website and Tapestry.


In Maths we will first think about ordering numbers, we will then be moving onto doubling and halving numbers and 3D shapes. We will also be spending lots of time practising our number skills by counting and solving problems. 


For phonics, we will continue to recap over the Phase 3 sounds and practice reading and writing these sounds. We will send out home reading books on a Monday and collect them in on a Friday. This will give us time to quarantine the books before issuing new ones. Please continue to read with your child a little each day if you can or at least once a week.


PE will continue to be on a Friday. Please make sure your child has their full kit in school each day. They may bring joggers and Velcro trainers. Please name everything. 


Homework will be added to Tapestry each week on a Friday. Please add photos to Tapestry of completed homework.


Any question please email on


Thank you for all continued support, it is very much appreciated. 

Miss Best


Number Day!

Having fun in the sandpit!

March 2021

We will start the term with many of you working from home. We are really looking forward to having our classes back together again from Monday 8th March. Drop off and collection times and places will remain the same. 


We will begin this half term thinking about Spring and Growing and will then be thinking about Knights and Castles before we focus on Easter during Holy Week. We have seen lots of wonderful writing at home so we will continue to focus on writing words independently and attempting simple sentences. 


In Maths we will first think about 3D shapes and will then think about units of time. We will then spend lots of time practising our number skills by counting, ordering numbers and solving problems. 


For phonics this half term we will continue to focus on Phase 3 and writing the digraphs and trigraphs in words. We will send out home reading books on a Monday and collect them in on a Friday. This will give us time to quarantine the books before issuing new ones. 


Our final RE topic this half term is called 'Growing' and will ask the children to think about how they have changed and how we can grow to become more like Jesus. We will also think about Lent and the events of Holy Week. 


PE will continue to be on a Friday. Please make sure your child has their full kit in school each day. They may bring joggers and velcro trainers. Please name everything. 


Homework will be added to Tapestry each week on a Friday. Please add photos to Tapestry. 


Thank you for your continued support. 

Miss Best


Enjoying the Spring sun!

January 2021

It was lovely to see all the children on the first day back. Although most of you are now working from home, it is lovely to see all the amazing videos and photos of all your hard work. We are all very proud of you and your families and we miss you all lots.


This half term we will start by thinking about winter and learning some winter poems. After this we will begin to look at traditional tales such as The Three Little Pigs and The Gingerbread Man. After this we celebrate Chinese New Year! All the children are making fabulous progress with their writing and can now segment the sounds in words. We will now be practicing writing simple sounds and sentences. There are lots of books on Oxford Owl you can explore, log in details for this are on Tapestry.


In phonics, we will continue to learn the Phase 3 digraphs and tricky words. Phonics Play is free again and has lots of activities that will help your child to practise blending to read and segmenting to write. We are emailing out reading books for you to read with your child.


In maths we will continue exploring a number each week, but we will also be learning number bonds for 5 and then thinking about height, length, weight, capacity and money. Busy Things have lots of great activities. Try Pre-school age 4 or age 5 for activities at Reception level. 


 In RE we will be thinking about family. We will think about the different types of celebrations and how we celebrate them. We will also be thinking about the families that we belong to and how they all support us. 


We have daily Zooms at 9AM, the link for this can be found on Tapestry. It is lovely to see all the children on Zoom! We explain the work for the day and have a little chat about all the work and fun we have been having at home.


 We really value your support. Please do get in touch with any queries.


Thank you,

Miss Best

Chinese New Year! 


In Parrot's we have celebrated Chinese New Year in style! The children have enjoyed learning all about Chinese New Year. They have drawn and made dragons, helped clean the house and even tried some Chinese food! Super work everyone.

Chinese New Year!

Here is some of the brilliant home learning we have been doing.

Dear Parents/ Guardians,


This term will be looking at Bonfire Night, Diwali and then moving onto learning all about Christmas. This term we will be carrying on with our phonics looking at Phase 3 of Letter and Sounds, the weekly homework showing all the sounds we have been learning will be in book bags and on tapestry. Thank you for all the support from home, we have loved seeing all the pictures of homework and all the wonderful activities the children have been doing.


We have access to Oxford Owl and Busy Things. These are brilliant for learning at home, login details are on Tapestry.  We also have access to Purple Mash, log in details have been sent home in bookbags earlier this term.


Busy things -

Oxford owl -[kb1] 

Purple mash -


If you have any questions or queries please don’t hesitate to contact me on


Thank you,

Miss Best

Bonfire Night Celebrations!! Please have a look at all the wonderful activities we have done.

Welcome to Parrot’s class 2020-2021

Firstly, we would like to welcome all the children to Parrots. We all are so excited to see the children start their journey into school. The past 6 months have certainly been unique but hopefully in this time lots of lovely memories with family have been made for the children. As well as myself and the Penguins class teacher Mrs Buckel, we are very pleased to have Mrs Crook and Mrs French to further support and help with the children’s learning and development. The children so far have all settled into the school routine fantastically and have enjoyed being with friends old and new. The children have thoroughly enjoyed exploring all the areas of our classroom, both inside and out.

The first theme we will be learning over this term in reception is ‘Magic me’. This will include the children learning all about their senses, their homes, feelings and families. We will also be following letters and sounds for our phonics. We will be sending weekly reading books home with the children to further support the teaching of reading in class. We really value and appreciate all the support at home with the children’s learning and a strong relationship between home and school will lead to a very successful year for the children.

This year we are all looking forward to guiding and supporting the children though their first year at school. In reception, we have high expectations for the children in both their learning and behaviour. We have a positive and engaging environment for the children where positive behaviour is encouraged and praised. In our class we ask that all children have a go and try their best in every task. We cannot wait to show you all photos of the hard work we have been doing in reception but also all the fun we have been having.

 If you have any questions or queries please do not hesitate contact me on:

Thank you,

Miss Best

We have had a brilliant first half term at school! All the children have settled well into the school routine. We have been playing, making new friends and learning.  From birthday parties to building rockets, we have certainly been very busy. Please have a look at all photos of the super work we have been doing.

Phonics websites

Top 20 things to do before reading
