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Our Lady & St. Gerard's

R.C. Primary School

United in love and the light of Jesus, we inspire one another to learn, grow and shine.

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Year 2: Armstrong class

Welcome to Year 2!


In Year 2, we have high expectations of all the children, and we ask that they come to school with a positive attitude to learning.  Our classrooms are caring and positive environments where praise and encouragements are used to help every child thrive.


Throughout the year, lots of new and exciting learning will take place. As always, we value the support you give your child at home and wish to continue this positive partnership throughout the year.  A ‘little and often’ approach to practising phonics and reading will have a powerful and prolonged impact on making long lasting connections and developing and extending your child’s fundamental learning skills.


As you can appreciate the start and end of the school day can be very busy.  Therefore, if you have any concerns or enquiries, please Dojo us.


The Curriculum Overview for learning for the year is shared on this page.  It gives a brief outline of the subjects and learning objectives we will teach throughout Year 2.  We will continue to update this page periodically, sharing details of our exciting learning experiences.


We look forward to a happy and successful year with your child and thank you once again for your continued support. 


With kind regards,


Mrs Goldstone, Mrs Buckel and Miss Brennan  - Y2 Armstrong Class Teaching Team


Our Behaviour Charter

Our school Behaviour Policy is built upon the ‘5 pillars of Pivotal Practice’ (‘When Adults Change, Everything Changes’, Paul Dix):

  • Consistent, calm adult behaviour,
  • Relentless Routines,
  • First attention to best conduct,
  • Scripting difficult conversations,
  • Restorative Follow-up.

Year 2 Recommended Reading Books

We have selected these recommended reading lists from Peters Education to ensure that our children have access to a wide range of books.  These books are all available in school and form our 'core' texts in our class libraries.  These lists are chosen because they:

  • link with our curriculum for each year group
  • represent different cultures
  • introduce children to new authors and expand their knowledge of familiar authors
  • ensure progression 
  • match topics of interests for our children
  • tackle current themes