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Our Lady & St. Gerard's

R.C. Primary School

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Design and Technology

"Good buildings come from good people, and all problems are solved by good design." 

Stephen Gardiner

Whole School Curriculum Approaches

Across our whole curriculum, we have identified key approaches to ensure our children are equipped for the 21st century:

  • Open-ended learning

  • Opportunities for collaborative learning in a range of contexts

  • Learning is skills based and promotes independence

  • Learning is linked to promote transfer of skills in meaningful contexts

  • Secures key skills within a broad and rich curriculum

  • Spoken language is a key priority

  • Growth – spiritual, moral, physical, intellectual

  • Growth mind-set: resilience, stamina, perseverance and determination


We strive to ensure that each curriculum subject provides opportunities for the above.


Subject Intent

At Our Lady & St Gerard's, we believe that Design Technology should be an inspiring, rigorous and practical subject, whilst intertwining aspects of our Catholic Social Teaching curriculum throughout each year group. We intend for DT to allow pupils to solve problems, think creatively and develop ideas, within a defined purpose and tangible outcome. We want DT to provide children with the opportunity to critique, evaluate and test their own ideas and products and the work of other, in a stimulating, supportive environment in which foster and promote confidence, enthusiasm, enjoyment and a sense of achievement.


National Curriculum

Design and Technology is a foundation subject in the National Curriculum. 


Our Design and Technology Curriculum allows a progression in skills and knowledge. The KS1-2 curriculum content covers the following areas:

  • Cooking and Nutrition,

 • Mechanisms,

 • Structures,

 • Textiles,

 • Electrical Systems.


Key Areas of Learning

Design: Children develop their understanding of how research and design contribute to innovative, functional products through discussion and annotated sketches

Make: Children are encouraged to select and use a wide range of tools, materials, textiles and ingredients for cutting, shaping, joining and finishing.

Evaluate: Children investigate and analyse their own and existing products against a set criteria.

Technical knowledge: Children develop their understanding of structural design, mechanical systems, electrical systems and computer programming to monitor and control their products.

Cooking & Nutrition: Children are taught to understand and apply the principles of a healthy and varied diet to prepare and cook a variety of predominantly savoury dishes using a range of cooking techniques.  They begin to understand seasonality and know where and how a variety of ingredients are grown, reared, caught and processed.


Early Years

When planning DT projects in the Early Years we follow the objectives as set out in specific strands of the Early Learning Goals (PSED, Expressive Arts and Design and Understanding the World).  We provide a range of experiences that encourage exploration, observation, problem solving, critical thinking and discussion. These early experiences include asking questions about how things work; investigating and using a variety of construction kits, materials and tools; developing ‘making’ skills and handling appropriate tools and materials safely and with increasing control.  This learning forms the foundation for later work in Design Technology.

Curriculum Overview

Whole School Skills Progression Matrix

Mrs Winster 
