Design and Technology
"Good buildings come from good people, and all problems are solved by good design."
Stephen Gardiner
At Our Lady & St Gerard's, we believe that Design Technology should be an inspiring, rigorous and practical subject, whilst intertwining aspects of our Catholic Social Teaching curriculum throughout each year group. We intend for DT to allow pupils to solve problems, think creatively and develop ideas, within a defined purpose and tangible outcome. We want DT to provide children with the opportunity to critique, evaluate and test their own ideas and products and the work of other, in a stimulating, supportive environment in which foster and promote confidence, enthusiasm, enjoyment and a sense of achievement.
Throughout the Early Years Foundation Stage, our 3–5-year-olds are taught Design & Technology throughout their Physical Development, Expressive Arts & Design, Communication and Language and Writing curriculum areas. From Years 1-6, children work in their own design book. These are used as working documents to record their observations, carry out research and use them to review and revisit ideas.
Our Intent at OLSG in Design & Technology is that our children:
- Children exercise their creativity and imagination, together with their developing skills and technical knowledge, to design and make products that solve real and relevant problems within a variety of contexts, considering their own and others’ needs, wants and values.
- Children critique, evaluate and test their own ideas and products and the work of others.
- Develop the valuable attributes of initiative, ingenuity, resourcefulness, self-involvement, motivation, co-operation, patience and commitment.
- Work in a stimulating, supportive environment, which foster and promote confidence, enthusiasm, enjoyment and a sense of achievement.
- Understand and apply the principles of nutrition and learn how to cook.
This is implemented by:
- Clear and sequential learning
- Ensuring that each art unit is adapted and planned for in accordance with the length of term
- Displaying a range of recording strategies to record the children's learning in sketchbooks
- Structured evaluation of each talk, self-assessing skilled being developed as well as outcome
The impact of learning Design & Technology is assessed by:
- Our children's design book outcomes
- Initial lesson as a form of assessment before the unit starts
- Our children being able to talk about their learning and the knowledge acquired throughout each unit
- Verbal questioning throughout all learning opportunities
- Retrieval opportunities throughout the unit of learning
- Weekly retrieval opportunities outside of the lesson
The curriculum is designed to ensure the skills and knowledge taught are progressive throughout the school, with links made to other curriculum areas where appropriate. EYFS is assessed against the Development Matters objects, as well as the EYFS Statutory Framework. Each year group is assessed against the National Curriculum learning objectives. Information is collected from each class teacher to identify pupils SEND pupils, pupils working below, at and above age related expectations. The subject leader and class teachers then work together to ensure appropriate support and challenge are provided for each pupil. Pupil voice interviews, teacher questionnaires and book looks are also carried out throughout the year to ensure curriculum coverage and standards are as expected.
Curriculum Overview
Below is a sample of our updated Design & Technology curriculum