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Our Lady & St. Gerard's

R.C. Primary School

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Remembrance - Autumn 2

Autumn 2 is always a busy half term.

We continued our focus on the rosary up until the end of October.


We all took some time to visit the statue of St Gerard Majella in church on his feast day (16th October 2024).  We learnt more about him and offered prayers.  Fr. Mark and some parishioners talked to us about this special saint.


There was a whole school mass in church to mark All Souls' Day - families were invited to offer names for Remembrance.  On the 11th November, the whole school joined in prayer to remember those who gave their lives for us. Our Prayer & Liturgy Leaders prepared our altar around the theme of Remembrance and led the other children in a reflection. Some classes prepared artwork which was displayed as a sign of respect.  Our Year 2 children made clay poppies in their art lessons and displayed these in the Peace Garden.  Families were invited to a special celebration prepared by Year 2.  Prayer Bags were shared with families to link the reflections in school to home.  


Following on from our work during the Harvest Festival, where we donated goods to the New Day Church Food hub, we wanted to celebrate the work of the volunteers who help at the food hub. Some of their volunteers had joined us to chat and have a brew and a biscuit. 


During the season of Advent 2023, our Worship Leaders (part of our GIFT team) held an assembly about the importance of Advent for Christians and how we could prepare for the coming of Christ. The children set each class a mission to get closer to God as we became closer to Christmas. 


Emmie won our Catholic Social Teaching Award. Emmie has been recognised for her outstanding achievement in putting love into action. She has supported and raised money for many charities, we are sure they will be very grateful for your contributions.
