Digital Leaders
Digital Leaders
Digital leaders are children who have a passion for technology who want to share their knowledge with others. Our digital leaders take on this role to share their expertise, learn new skills and develop leadership skills. The digital leaders meet regularly to complete challenges before sharing their new ideas, knowledge and expertise with others.
WELCOME TO THIS YEAR'S Y5/6 DIGITAL LEADERS: Hayley, Joey, Caleb, Spencer, Charlie, Jola, Ted and Amber.
Digital Leaders Class Helpers
The Digital Leaders have now chosen and assigned themselves to a specific class in school. Each class now knows who they can call upon for help, whether it be for supporting with physical technology, demonstrating a new skill, listening to any concerns that children may have about Online Safety, or to discuss new apps or games that they are interested in at home or school. The Digital Leaders are very much looking forward to supporting their classes and sharing their expertise.
"We are your Digital Leaders and we are here to help you. If you or your teacher need any help with Computing or Online Safety, just look for us and we will be happy to do our best to help you." |
Our DLs showing sharing their expertise using SCRATCH!
Here is just one happy KS1 child, who was really pleased with how we turned her character drawing into an animation.

Y2H animation - A hip hop dance!