Year 5L
Welcome to Year 5L class 2020-2021
It is an exciting year for your children as they continue their journey through school and move into upper Key Stage Two. In Year 5 we have high expectations of all of the children, through behaviour and being ready to learn and grow as a team and individuals.
Our classrooms are a happy and positive working environment where praise and encouragements are used to motivate and support all of the children. We ask that each child tries their best and develops a resilient attitude towards learning. As a class, the children have spoken very honestly about the areas of learning that they feel they would like to improve.
Throughout the year, lots of new and exciting learning will take place. Your children will be challenged to be the very best they can be and encouraged to take part in every aspect of school life. We value the support you give your child at home with reading, spelling, learning times tables and delving into any topic-based research or interests your children may express.
PE will be on Tuesdays, so the children will need to wear their kit to school.
Please do not hesitate to speak to me if you have any questions throughout the year,
Miss Littlefair
There has been some wonderful home learning taking place during the Spring term from practical Science to Art History. Well done 5L on your excellent work.
World Book Day 2021
Autumn term
Have a look at the pictures below to find out what we have been doing during Autumn!