
School Logo

Welcome to

Our Lady & St. Gerard's

R.C. Primary School

United in love and the light of Jesus, we inspire one another to learn, grow and shine.

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School Uniform

We are always proud of how smart our children are in their uniform. 

Parents may buy the sweatshirt/cardigan with school logo from the school office.  All other uniform can be purchased from any retailer but if preferred, from the school office.  School logo polo shirts and PE t-shirts can be purchased from school or children can wear t-shirts with no logo.  We also sell school logo fleece jackets, PE bags and book bags.  Our uniform can be purchased via Parentpay.  Please contact the school office for further information.


Children can bring a school logo book bag or any small bag - due to lack of space, we ask parents to avoid large rucksacks.  Children can bring any water bottle and any lunch bag/box if required.


Pupils should wear:


  • Royal blue school sweatshirt/cardigan with school logo (available from school office)
  • Light blue polo shirt (School logo is not essential but t-shirts with logo can be purchased from school office)
  • Grey skirt/ pinafore/trousers (tailored - not leggings or jersey fabrics)
  • Grey socks/tights
  • Black shoes (not trainers or boots)


In the summer months, pupils may wear cooler options:

  • White socks
  • Blue/white gingham dress – Summer option
  • Grey shorts (tailored)
  • Black shoes (not sandals or trainers)

PE Uniform

  • Plain white t-shirt (School logo is not essential but t-shirts with logo can be purchased from school office)
  • Navy shorts
  • Black slip on pumps
  • A blue draw-string bag


  • Trainers (outdoor use only)
  • Plain navy track suit (outdoor use only)


Jewellery should not be worn in school for health and safety reasons.  The only exception is small siver/gold stud earrings during the first six weeks after piercing, although we advise any piercings are done during the summer holidays.  We adhere to the Local Authority guidance and government guidelines which recommend that no jewellery is worn during PE.  Children are not permitted to wear earrings during PE lessons.  


Long hair should be tied back at all times. 





School Uniform Orders

Please place uniform orders by emailing Payment is made via ParentPay our online payment system. Please login to your account and click on the Uniform payment item.  Click the ‘View’ button to move to the following screen.  Once on this screen you can amend the amount to the full amount of your order.  Please note that an order will not be processed until payment has been received in full.


Please list your required order on the email (sizes and quantities) and ensure you include your child’s/children’s name and class on your order.


If you are new to school and don’t have a ParentPay account yet.  Please email your order as above and we will contact you to arrange payment and collection.
