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Our Lady & St. Gerard's

R.C. Primary School

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Year 5: Johnson class



We can’t believe that we have now started our last term in Year 5!  Where has the time gone?  It only seems like yesterday when we were settling into our new class and preparing for our trip to Robinwood!  We have learnt so much and have grown up a lot since September, but there are still plenty of exciting things to learn before we start Year 6!


Our English work starts with stories to entertain and we will be exploring the story 'Journey to the River Sea' and the 'Great Kapok Tree'. We will explore different stories gathering content to write our own. Our final English unit is linked to Ancient Greeks as we study a book called Who let the Gods out? By Maz Evans. We have lots of different opportunities to show case our writing skills within this term and will recap on parenthesis and complex sentences using suffixes and ‘ing/ed’ starters in grammar.


In Maths, we are looking at angles and properties of Shape and Position and Direction. We will then focus on Decimals and eventually move onto Negative Numbers.


In RE we’ll be learning about what happened in the aftermath of Easter.  We will be reading stories about the times Jesus appeared to His disciples after the resurrection, His Ascension into Heaven and the events of the Pentecost.  During the Pentecost, Jesus blessed the disciples with the Holy Spirit and we’ll be thinking of ways to show that the Holy Spirit lives in our hearts as well.


In Science, we are continuing our work on Life Cycles as we focus on the process of reproduction and how humans develop from babies into old age. In Summer 2 we will be focusing on Forces.


For our Computing work this term, Y5 will be creating pictures, looking at the work of Alberto Giacometti, which links nicely to our 3D Modelling Art topic. Later, we will be looking at how digital content can be represented in many forms, as well as manipulating and presenting digital content and information.


Our Geography work will start with Minerals and Natural Resources. We will learn what natural resources are available throughout the world and which natural resources we use here in the UK. We will then move onto History where we will be looking at The Ancient Greeks! We can’t wait! Our Greek topic will link to DT where we’ll be using food and all things Greek!


PE will be on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, but ideally the children will need to have their kit in school all week.


Please encourage your child to read for 15 minutes each day. When they have finished

their reading book, they will be asked a few questions before moving on.

As some of the books are a lot thicker in the higher stages, we understand

these will take longer to read. Please continue to spend time listening to your child read when possible and ask them questions linked to the text.


Please do not hesitate to speak to us if you have any questions, it is easier to contact us on Class Dojo or make an appointment through the office.


Thank you for your continued support.


Mrs Thompson, Mrs Naylor and Mrs Sumner (Year 5 Teaching Team)

Some of the fun we've had in our classroom...

Our Behaviour Charter

Our school Behaviour Policy is built upon the ‘5 pillars of Pivotal Practice’ (‘When Adults Change, Everything Changes’, Paul Dix):

  • Consistent, calm adult behaviour,

  • Relentless Routines,

  • First attention to best conduct,

  • Scripting difficult conversations,

  • Restorative Follow-up.


We have three simple goals: Be safe, Be a Learner, Be Kind and Respectful.

Overview of Themes

English Overview

Year 5 Recommended Reading Books

We have selected these recommended reading lists from Peters Education to ensure that our children have access to a wide range of books.  These books are all available in school and form our 'core' texts in our class libraries.  These lists are chosen because they:

  • link with our curriculum for each year group
  • represent different cultures
  • introduce children to new authors and expand their knowledge of familiar authors
  • ensure progression 
  • match topics of interests for our children
  • tackle current themes

Year 5 White Rose Maths Overview

Useful Reminders

- PE will take place on a Monday and Tuesday. Please ensure your child has their correct (Summer/Winter) kit in school on these days. Please ensure your child's kit is labelled with their name.

- Homework will be set each Friday on SumDog. Your child will have maths, spellings and grammar homework to complete by the following Friday. A 'little and often' approach is expected.

- Reading books will be shared once a week and reading records are updated by parents and teachers regularly.

- Regular maths challenges/class competitions will be set on SumDog. These tend to run for half a term and the competition winner will be awarded with a special prize.

Meet the Teacher

It was lovely to meet some of you at Meet the Teacher. Here is the presentation which tells you some more about Year 5.
