Year 3: Anning class
Autumn Term 2023
Welcome back! We are looking forward to Autumn Term in Year 3 Anning, building on all our hard work and effort from last year.
In English lessons this term, we will be writing a story based on the novel, A Bear Called Paddington. We will then explore information texts, exploring a range of non-fiction texts about London. As we progress in to Autumn Term 2, we turn our attention to writing a fable based on, Aesops Fables, Hare and the Tortoise. We then end the term by focusing on persuasive letters and poems with a structure.
In Maths, we start by focusing on place value, before we begin looking at addition and subtraction. We then move on to multiplication and division in Autumn Term 2.
Our RE topics for the whole term are Homes - Domestic Church and Promises - Advent.
In other subjects, we will find out about Light and Animals including Humans in Science. History is always fun when we find out about The Victorians. In DT we will be looking at a Healthy and Varied Diet, making gingerbread biscuits. Geography sees us learning about the mapping and fieldwork, and later settlements. Art will include sketching and printing based on the works of William Morris. Our Computing work covers online safety and coding.
PE kits will be a priority moving forwards across the school so it is important that children have the correct kit in school. PE kit consists of a white t-shirt (with or without school logo), blue sports shorts and pumps for indoors/trainers for outdoors. In the cold weather, children are welcomed to wear their blue school jumper over their white t-shirt and a plain pair of blue tracksuit bottoms/joggers.
Your children continue to receive acknowledgement for their hard work and best behaviour, and they love collecting Class Dojo rewards for their hard work and positive behaviour. They are regularly reminded of the Behaviour Charter, Be Safe, Be a Learner, Be Kind and Respectful, and how it will help us to enjoy our time in school.
We look forward to celebrating their achievements and seeing them progress through Year 3. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to speak to me. You can also contact me using the class Dojo page.
Miss Aspinall and Mrs Fisher (Y3 Anning Teaching Team)
Useful Reminders
PE - Monday and Thursday.
Times Tables Practise - Regular practice is recommended.
Reading - Reading at home at least 3 times per week is advised with 3 ticks and a short comment made in planner once the book is finished.
Spellings - Spellings sent home each half term, following the No-Nonsense scheme, including Y3/4 Spellings List words.
Purple Mash - Check for weekly targeted homework set online, including Maths and Grammar.
Our Behaviour Charter
Our school Behaviour Policy is built upon the ‘5 pillars of Pivotal Practice’ (‘When Adults Change, Everything Changes’, Paul Dix):
- Consistent, calm adult behaviour,
- Relentless Routines,
- First attention to best conduct,
- Scripting difficult conversations,
- Restorative Follow-up.
We have three simple goals: Be safe, Be a Learner, Be Kind and Respectful.
Meet the Teacher
The Powerpoint shared at this year's 'Meet the Teacher' event is below: