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Our Lady & St. Gerard's

R.C. Primary School

United in love and the light of Jesus, we inspire one another to learn, grow and shine.

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Summer Term 2022

Welcome back ! I hope you have all had a fabulous break! We are looking forward to Summer Term in Class 4M, building on all our hard work and effort from last term. 

In English lessons this term, we will be writing stories modelled on The Secrets of the Sun King as well as some persuasion and and a sprinkling of poetry, based on The Mousehole Cat. 

 In Maths, we begin looking at measures including length and mass before studying shapes in Geometry. We then end the year by learning about area and perimeter.

 Our RE topics for the whole term are New Life, Building Bridges and God's people.

 In other subjects, we will find out about Habitats in Science. History is always fun when we find out about The Egyptians and their 'ways' - especially mummification! In DT we will be looking at food and healthy eating.  Geography sees us rivers and settlements, with a particular focus on the Nile. Art will include 3D clay sculptures based on our Ancient Egypt study. Our Computing work covers animation and some work on hardware. 

Class 4M will be continuing to learn flute until the end of the term with a video shoot in the final week, which is sure to be a real hit!


PE kits will be a priority moving forwards across the school so it is important that children have the correct kit in school. PE kit consists of a white t-shirt (with or without school logo), blue sports shorts and pumps for indoors/trainers for outdoors. In the cold weather, children are welcomed to wear their blue school jumper over their white t-shirt and a plain pair of blue tracksuit bottoms/joggers.


Your children continue to receive acknowledgement for their hard work and best behaviour, and they love collecting Class Dojo rewards for their hard work and positive behaviour. They are regularly reminded of the  Behaviour Charter, Be Safe, Be a Learner, Be Kind and Respectful, and how it will help us to enjoy our time in school. I am looking forward to celebrating their achievements and seeing them progress through Year 4. We have had a fabulous two terms in Year 4 and I look forward to a successful final term.


If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to speak to me.


Mr S. Moat

or via ClassDojo messenger


Meet The Teacher

The PowerPoint shared at this year's 'Meet the Teacher' meeting is below.

Y4 Overview of Themes

Year 4 Maths Coverage

Useful Reminders

P.E. - Monday and Thursday

Times Tables Practise - Practise regularly, activities will be set on Sumdog

Reading- Daily reading at home from their school book or their own book

Spellings- Weekly, set on Sumdog or sent home

Sumdog- Check for regular Spelling, Grammar and Maths challenges

Year 4 text overview

Recommended Reading Books

We have selected these recommended reading lists from Peters Education to ensure that our children have access to a wide range of books.  These books are all available in school and form our 'core' texts in our class libraries.  These lists are chosen because they:

  • link with our curriculum for each year group
  • represent different cultures
  • introduce children to new authors and expand their knowledge of familiar authors
  • ensure progression 
  • match topics of interests for our children
  • tackle current themes

Summer Term 2 DT - Soup Tasting

We have been sampling French breakfast food in our French lesson

Our Fabulous Jubilee Celebrations

4M are expert musicians

Work has begun on our Ancient Egyptian themed Art Unit

Searching for Persuasive Devices in a Letter ...

Decimal work in Year 4M

We have been exploring Ancient Egyptian artefacts

In 4M, we enjoy using physical resources in our French lessons

Spring Term - Completed Kennings Poems

Tudor Artefact Handling

Spring Term Kennings Poems Day One

Exploring reading techniques for different purposes in English

Exploring drama techniques in RE

We have been using 'Talk Circles' to discuss our ideas

Great use of dictionaries in 4M

Spring Term Art - Final Masterpieces

Spring Art - Animal drawing in 4M ready for printing

Spring Term - Music

Spring Term - Mapping in Geography

Autumn Term DT - Exploring battery operated toys

"Mamma Mia, here we go again..."

Autumn Term 1 - Art (portraits in the style of Picasso)

TriKidz Event - Autumn Term 1
