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Our Lady & St. Gerard's

R.C. Primary School

United in love and the light of Jesus, we inspire one another to learn, grow and shine.

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We can’t believe that we have now started our last term in Year 2!  Where has the time gone?  It only seems like yesterday when we were settling into our new class!  We have learnt so much and have grown up a lot since September, but there are still plenty of exciting things to learn before we leave KS1 and venture into KS2.

Our English work starts with stories from other cultures.  Later, we will be reading a selection of stories on a theme; the sea. Towards the end of term, we’ll be learning and performing Edward Lear’s classic poem ‘The Owl and the Pussycat’.  

In Science, we will be looking at plants in our Ready, Steady, Grow unit of work.  We will be looking at seed dispersal, wind pollination and how seeds and bulbs grow into mature plants.

 For our Computing work this term, Y2 will be creating pictures, looking at the work of Impressionist artists and recreating them using the Impressionism template in 2Paint A Picture. We will also be looking at the work of pointillist artists such as Seurat and learn how to recreate pointillist art using the Pointillism template.  Later, we will be looking at how digital content can be represented in many forms, as well as manipulating and presenting digital content and information.

In RE we’ll be learning about what happened in the aftermath of Easter.  We will be reading stories about the times Jesus appeared to His disciples after the resurrection, His Ascension into Heaven and the events of the Pentecost.  During the Pentecost, Jesus blessed the disciples with the Holy Spirit and we’ll be thinking of ways to show that the Holy Spirit lives in our hearts as well.

Topic work will start with the weather.  We will learn about seasonal weather patterns in hot and cold areas of the world in relation to the Equator and the North and South Poles and comparing these to weather patterns in the United Kingdom.  After half term, we’ll be ‘going to the seaside’ as we compare the seaside now to what it was like in the past.  We can’t wait for that!

In DT we’ll be exploring simple mechanisms, focusing on wheels and axles.  We will design and make ice cream vans – perfect for our seaside topic.  After all, we can’t visit the seaside without treating ourselves to a cornet or an ice lolly!

As you can see, we’ll be keeping our noses to the grindstone as we try to make this term the best one ever!


Mrs Eubank, Mrs Watts and Mrs McGarry

Overview of Themes 2021-2022

Year 2 text overview

Recommended Reading Books

We have selected these recommended reading lists from Peters Education to ensure that our children have access to a wide range of books.  These books are all available in school and form our 'core' texts in our class libraries.  These lists are chosen because they:

  • link with our curriculum for each year group
  • represent different cultures
  • introduce children to new authors and expand their knowledge of familiar authors
  • ensure progression 
  • match topics of interests for our children
  • tackle current themes

Letter Formation - a PowerPoint that we use to remind the children of the correct letter formation. Useful for home practise too.

Our Hearts Belong to Ukraine - an afternoon of prayer

Our class Dojo and Behaviour Charter Award winners

Don't we look smart in our school PE kit?

Our Shared Stories

We Are Readers! We love to bring our own free-choice books from home, just to read for pleasure.

Our children seem to be feeling right at home in our new class reading area.

Chatterpix - after finding out some interesting facts about our Queen Elizabeth, we had fun turning her into our own Chatterpix.

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PUZZLE TIME! Can you solve the puzzle of where the numbers 1-9 can be positioned on this 3x3 grid? (You could try to smaller one for starters.)

Aurora Borealis - our own Northern Lights pictures, created by using chalk pastels.

Pizza Fractions Fun & Telling The Time With Our Own Clocks

DIGITAL ART - in the style of the Impressionist and Pointillist artists, as well as Piet Mondrian

Weather Patterns in the UK - what a way to begin our new Geography unit; making our own wind socks. We had a North Easterly wind today!

Using our wind socks to discover which way the wind is blowing.

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INDEPENDENT WRITING - Take a look at our wonderful writing!

The Stations of The Cross - sharing the journey together with all Y2, and creating our own time lines to show Jesus' journey.

Super movements captured by our own class. Wow, fantastic control and balance.

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In our PE this half term, we have been learning how to create a sequence of gymnastic movements, moving on apparatus safely and in a variety of ways.

Fun Finding Fractions of Numbers!

YOGI! We enjoyed our yoga session with a visiting instructor. We learnt about breathing exercises and relaxation techniques, which really helped us to enjoy the moment!

WE'VE LOVED CREATING OUR CLASS STORY BOXES. We have now swapped ours withY2H to show each other what we have created and the fun we have had with our class story books.

Making music, digitally!

CLASSROOM YOGA - This is going to be so much fun this half term.

Music with Mr Patterson, from Salford Diocese. We love MUSIC; singing + dancing = FUN!

CREATING OUR OWN 3D SHAPES USING BLU TACK AND COCKTAIL STICKS - we were able to describe the properties of our shapes: their vertices, edges, faces and also name them. We are really impressing our teachers.

Using TIME LINES - we completed our Explorers topic with a fun time line activity. We included people and events from the topics we learnt in our Y1 History too. The learning we do is certainly 'sticky!' (photos taken by the children)

Our Special Places To Pray

Wonderful Writers - take a look at some of our written work this half term. Our independent writing is particularly spectacular!

RE Unit - BOOKS. Take a look at some of this term's work so far.

Our Music Unit - ROCK MUSIC - listening, appraising, improvising and preforming to a style we love! Rock on!

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Our Year Group Nativity - there's something extra special when little ones tell the story of the birth of Our Lord.

We made our own holly wreaths for Advent. We are beginning our preparations for the coming of Jesus.

D.T - Puppets! We had a fabulous time creating our puppets. See for yourself.

We had great fun working with our partners to research answers to questions about Continents and Oceans for our Geography topic.

We're learning to CODE! We have made our own unplugged algorithms. Next stop, testing them on the computer.

CHILDREN IN NEED - November 2021 - Who'd have known that wearing spots could be so much fun and help so many people.

HARVEST COLLECTION & CELEBRATION - our harvest offerings are beginning to come into school. We are so fortunate to be able to help others and show our thanks to God by giving something back.

October Is The Month Of The Rosary. We have made our own Rosary beads.


Autumn Term Art - Sketching from our environment

Science - Materials

Online Safety with Webster The Spider

Reading to the class during our shared stories at the end of the day.

Maths - We Just Love It!

Music - Hands, Feet, Heart. We love listening and appraising new songs. We love to improvise too.

Musical Harmony! Experimenting with the glockenspiels.

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History - The Gunpowder Plot

Remember, Remember the 5th November!

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We learnt the poem by heart. These two boys gave us the perfect recital.

SUMDOG Competition Winners!
