Our Behaviour Policy is built upon the Gospel values of love, compassion and forgiveness. We have just three simple goals: Be safe, Be a Learner, Be Kind and Respectful.
“…but whoever trusts in the LORD is kept safe.” Proverbs 29:25
“But you should be strong. Don’t give up, because you will get a reward for your good work.” 2 Chronicles 15:7
“Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” Ephesians 4:32
Our school Mission Statement, 'United in love and the light of Jesus, we inspire one another to learn, grow and shine.' reminds us that our faith is central to all that we do. We follow trauma/attachment informed approaches and used evidence based approaches such as ‘The 5 pillars of Pivotal Practice’ (‘When Adults Change, Everything Changes’, Paul Dix):
Consistent, calm adult behaviour,
Relentless Routines,
First attention to best conduct,
Scripting difficult conversations,
Restorative Follow-up.
Our Behaviour Charter
Our Behaviour Policy
We are a trauma informed school and we are a Partner School with When the Adults Change!

Our staff were part of Attachment & Trauma training which helped us to consider how children are affected by attachment and early trauma. Staff being 'Trauma informed' means that they consider the individual needs of children in their approaches to behaviour management. Our Behaviour Charter & Policy model the appropriate approaches recommended to support children with attachment and trauma needs.
Charter Awards
Each week, we award children with our Charter Award. These awards are given to the children who have displayed excellent behaviour and followed our Behaviour Charter. These awards are given during our weekly Praise Assembly.
Class Dojo
We use Class Dojo to create a positive culture in our school. We reward our children for their efforts in their learning, for acts of kindness and for being safe - all in line with our Behaviour Policy. Skills and values such as resilience, helping others, active listening and respect are noticed and rewarded by every member of staff.
Parents can join Class Dojo to see rewards and to see important information about class events. Parents can send and receive direct messages from the teacher and collaborate in their child's education.
More information can be found on the Class Dojo website.
Dojo Winners
Our weekly Dojo winners win a certificate, which is awarded in our Praise assembly.
House points
We have House Captains for our House teams:
St. Joseph, St. (Mother) Teresa, St. Bernadette and St. Gerard Majella
Dojos from each class are collected by our House Captains each week. The team with the most Dojos each week, wins the House point trophy. The captains proudly decorate the trophy with the house rosette.