Subject Leader: Miss A Slicker
The P.E. Curriculum
At Our Lady & St. Gerard’s our aim is for all pupils to develop positive attitudes towards physical activity and sport and to develop and adopt active lifestyles and habits which will remain with them for their whole lives.
In Key Stage 1 and 2 children participate in two structured P.E. lessons per week. The children also have numerous opportunities throughout the year to attend different sports clubs and activities and represent the school in a variety of competitions and festivals. We currently use the Lancashire PE Passport Scheme of Work, which offers our children a rich and varied curriculum.
Our Key Stage 1 P.E. Curriculum focuses on developing the fundamental movement skills. Whilst developing these skills, pupils have opportunities to work independently, with a partner and in small groups or teams to begin to develop teamwork and leadership skills. We also ensure our Key Stage 1 pupils participate in Outdoor & Adventurous Activities to begin to develop efficient problem solving skills and start to build resilience.
In Key Stage 2, the curriculum is structured so that children participate in a range of activities including gymnastics, athletics, dance, games (striking and fielding, invasion, net and wall) and Outdoor and Adventurous Activities. Swimming is also taught by swimming teachers at Leyland Leisure Centre. If, at the end of the block of swimming lessons, children have not achieved the required standard, children are given the opportunity to attend TOP-UP sessions in subsequent terms and years.
We are continually striving to improve and enhance our provision for P.E. and School Sport and increase the opportunities available to all pupils. We offer a variety of after school clubs, for all ages and abilities and compete in a number of inter-school leagues and competitions throughout the year. We also organise regular intra-school competitions. Our children have really enjoyed participating in the 'additional activities' of Judo, Yoga, Zumba and American Football.
We also offer:
- Year 5 the opportunity to attend a Robinwood Outdoor Activity Centre for 3 days to participate in a range of outdoor and adventurous activities, develop their teamwork skills and improve their confidence and self-esteem. This is always a rewarding, enjoyable and tiring residential course for both the pupils and staff.
- Bikeability training for Year 6.
- Several year 5 & 6 pupils who have a talent in dance the chance to learn a regional dance and teach it to the rest of the school before the whole school performs the dance in the ‘Dance from the Heart Roadshow’.
- Leadership training (or ’Buddy Training’)
We are delighted to have recently been awarded a GOLD Award in School Games Mark Awards.
PE Overview
Useful Documents
Sports Premium
Click the link to find out how we are spending our Sports Premium funding.
Swimming Data 2022-2023
Year 2022-2023
Stay Active
There are many things you can do to keep active. Check out these links for ideas: