Home Learning Archive 2021 - 2022
From September 2021, if your child is required to self-isolate due to Covid-19 we will provide home learning from the first full day of absence. Please help your child to log onto Purple Mash to access the work that has been set. If you have any questions or require support please email the class teacher using the email below.
Thank you to all the parents and children who worked so hard during 'Lockdown' between March and July. This Home Learning Page and Class Pages showcase some of the great work completed at home.
On this page you will find lots of links and information which is relevant to home learning. If home learning is required due to isolation of individual pupils, groups or bubbles, teachers will liaise parents/carers/children to ensure there is a continuation of learning during this time. Our platform for home learning is Purple Mash. We also use Sumdog to set a wide range of activities for home learning and blended learning. Please visit our Curriculum page for information about our platforms. Each class has a class email address which can be used to contact teachers about home learning. Teachers and Support Assistants are happy to help with any issues you may have regarding home learning.
You can find more information about Home Learning and Blended Learning on our Curriculum page.
Lockdown activities - Physical Activities
Challenge of the Week - Outdoors
A lot of the challenges can be done in a garden or a park. There are 50 Challenges to choose from. We will be awarding a certificate to each child who completes at least one challenge.You could even try to complete the list by the end of the summer! Click on the link below. More details can be found on the National Trust website too.
Y2 Author's Recognition
Earlier in our time of Home Learning, two of our Y2 children wrote and sent their own stories to author Nicola Colton, who writes the stories about Jasper and Scruff. She was so impressed with the stories that she has tweeted them for public viewing (@nicolacolton1). They also appeared on her Instagram (nicolacolton1). Her editor was tagged as it was thought that she would be ‘really impressed’.
We are so proud of the children and their work. This acknowledgement is so well deserved.

Geography Challenge Week
Thank you to everyone who took part in any of our GEOGRAPHY challenges. You have done some fantastic work and we hope you enjoyed your research and activities.
Fitness Challenges / P.E. Week
There were some exciting challenges that our children took part in at home.
History Challenge Week
Well done all the children who completed any of the history challenges set about WW2 and VE Day. We hope you had fun celebrating the Bank Holiday on Friday and finding out about the past.
Design Technology Challenge Week
Well done to all the children who have participated in our Design Technology challenges. We have seen some wonderful efforts and are amazed at the ingenuity and creativity shown - from sewing hearts, building marble mazes to preparing rainbow lunches!
Science Challenge Week
Some amazing work was happening at home during the Science Challenge Week! Well done to everyone who took part - we hope you enjoyed being creative with Biology, Chemistry and Physics.
Life Skills Challenge Week
Lots of children attempted challenges during Life Skills Challenge Week and they enjoyed helping out at home and in their community. It was great to see everyone getting involved!
Easter Challenge Week
We have enjoyed seeing all of the wonderful work that happened during the Easter Challenge Week from baking to poetry to creating Easter cards for loved ones. Well done everyone!