Priest: Fr Mark Harold
Postal Address:
Our Lady of Lourdes & St Gerard Majella RC Church
Lourdes Avenue
Lostock Hall
Telephone: 01772 335387
Sacramental Programme
The school works in partnership with the Parish to deliver the sacramental programme, which prepares the children to receive the sacraments of Holy Communion and Reconciliation. There are a number of highly trained catechists who deliver an interactive and engaging sacramental programme using the scheme ‘With You Always’. The scheme is child friendly and provides parents with the opportunity to play an active role in this important stage of their child’s spiritual and religious development.
The programme is taught during 7 evening sessions at the church, where children and parents work together to complete the children’s booklet; parents also receive a separate booklet, helping them to continue supporting their child at home. During the year there are a number of special sacramental masses held on the Sunday following each session. The children are invited to take a full and active part in these masses, sharing the work completed in the sessions, and they form an essential part of the preparation for the sacraments. These masses are supported by children from other year groups and staff within the school who like to show their support for the Year 3 children.
The sacramental programme is undertaken by the Year 3 children who are baptised Catholics. If however, children join the school in Year 4, 5 or 6 they are welcome to participate in the programme. Parents of children who wish to follow the sacramental programme but are not yet baptised, are encouraged to contact Father Joe for information about the Sacrament of Baptism.

Faith in Action
This year our Year 6 children have been invited to take part in the Faith in Action Award. This award encourages the children to develop their spirituality by helping others in the Parish community. The children will be expected to undertake 10 hours of work in the parish and 10 hours in school. At the end of the year they will reflect upon their learning and we hope that they will be successfully awarded their PIN award. The children can then continue this award when they move to secondary school.
This year a small group of children have enrolled for the award and they will also be our pupil chaplains.
If you would like more information about the award please contact the school or click on the following link.