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Our Lady & St. Gerard's

R.C. Primary School

United in love and the light of Jesus, we inspire one another to learn, grow and shine.

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Year 1C

Welcome to Year 1C 2021-2022


We would like to offer you and your child a very warm welcome to Year 1 and back to school. 


Since returning to school, all the children have begun to forge friendships, set learning goals and create lasting memories. We are excited to be teaching and guiding each child through the next stage of their learning adventure. It is an exciting year for your children as they begin their journey in Key Stage One. We are pleased to have Mrs Dodd in Year 1 helping us this year. 


We have high expectations of all the children and ask that they come to school with a positive attitude to learning. Our classroom is a caring and positive environment where praise and encouragements are used to help every child thrive. As a school, we have the 3 Bs for behaviour, which are ‘Be Safe’, ‘Be a Learner’, ‘Be Kind and Respectful’. 


Throughout the year, lots of new and exciting learning will take place. As always, we value the support you give your child at home and wish to continue this positive partnership throughout the year. Now more than ever, 'a little and often' approach to practising phonics and reading will have a powerful and prolonged impact on making long lasting connections and developing your child’s fundamental learning skills. 


As you can appreciate, the start and end of the school day can be very busy. Therefore, if you have any concerns please email or make an appointment. This will allow me to give you my undivided attention.


Throughout the year we will continue to update this page, sharing details of the exciting learning and any useful links. We work hard but have lots of fun in class 1C and look forward to sharing our photographs with you.


Please do not hesitate to speak to us if you have any questions throughout the year,


Mr Cross

Summer Term


We can’t believe that we have now started our last term in Year 1!  Where has the time gone?  It only seems like yesterday when we were settling into our new class!  We have learnt so much and have grown up and developed our independence a lot since September, but there are still plenty of exciting things to learn before we leave Year 1 and venture into Year 2. 


Our English work starts with narratives, using ‘No Bot' and then 'Goat and Donkey in the Great Outdoors'. We will have great fun and our creativity will be pushed to the limit!  We will also be reading and writing our own robot poems. Towards the end of term, we’ll be writing recounts of sports day. 


In Science, we will be looking humans and learning to identify, name, draw and label the basic parts of our bodies and  identify our 5 senses and how we can test them. We will be using lots of working scientifically skills.


For our Computing work this term, we making an e-book using purple mash. The children will be creating their own characters, adding sound, movement and page transitions. 


In RE we’ll be learning about what happened very special Christian holidays and important holydays . We will then move on to looking at being sorry and how the bible stories can be our inspiration and guide in life. 


Topic work will start with the Florence Nightingale.  We will learn about her wonderfully important life and the great work she did.  We will then move on to learning all about weather in the United Kingdom. 


In DT we’ll be exploring shell structures. The children will build their own shell structure and there will be a particular focus on methods for strengthening, providing children with opportunities to develop problem solving skills.


Reminders:    PE is currently on Mondays and Thursdays.

Children are asked to wear a white tshirt, with the school logo (or a plain white tshirt), with navy shorts and appropriate footwear - black pumps for indoor and trainers for outdoor. If the weather is cold, children are invited to wear their school jumper over their PE tshirt and a plain pair of navy tracksuit bottoms/joggers are allowed. For health and safety reasons, children are not permitted to wear earrings for PE and we recommend that if your child cannot remove their stud earrings themselves that they are not worn on PE days.


Contacts:   If we can help you in any way please do not hesitate to contact us on Class Dojo Page.



Many thanks,

Mr Cross

Our Behaviour Charter

Our school Behaviour Policy is built upon the ‘5 pillars of Pivotal Practice’ (‘When Adults Change, Everything Changes’, Paul Dix):

  • Consistent, calm adult behaviour,

  • Relentless Routines,

  • First attention to best conduct,

  • Scripting difficult conversations,

  • Restorative Follow-up.


We have three simple goals: Be safe, Be a Learner, Be Kind and Respectful.

Year 1 text overview

Recommended Reading Books

We have selected these recommended reading lists from Peters Education to ensure that our children have access to a wide range of books.  These books are all available in school and form our 'core' texts in our class libraries.  These lists are chosen because they:

  • link with our curriculum for each year group
  • represent different cultures
  • introduce children to new authors and expand their knowledge of familiar authors
  • ensure progression 
  • match topics of interests for our children
  • tackle current themes

Year 1 Maths Curriculum

Meet the Teacher

Useful Information

Our P.E. lessons will  be on Thursday and a Friday. Your child's full PE kit should be brought into school at the start of each term. Children may wear blue or black sports pants and trainers for outdoor PE. No jewellery is to be worn. 


Children will have weekly homework set through Sumdog; Grammar, Spellings and Maths.

Weekly spellings will also be sent home. The spelling test will be every Friday.

We expect our children to be reading daily. Reading books will be issued on a Monday.


Contact information

Please message me via the Dojo class messenger. 

Alternatively, you may prefer to email me by using the class email, if you feel you need to include more detail to your message. 




In the first term of year 1 we get up to lots of exciting learning and adventures. During the Autumn Term, we will be learning about The Great Fire of London. We will be creating freeze frames based on extracts of Samuel Pepys diary and  children will be creating 3D models of a Tudor house which would have been in London during 1666.  We will be reading and writing our own versions of ‘Zog’ and ‘Lost and Found’.  In Maths, we will be learning our numbers to 20 and learning how to calculate single digit numbers using our addition and subtraction methods. We use lots of practical resources and there are always opportunities for collaborative learning. We are going to really enjoy learning about seasonal changes and using scientific vocabulary to identify weather patterns and explain why we have day and night. During the Christmas period, we will be designing and making our moving Christmas cards. We can't wait to show you all the exciting work we are going to be doing. Pictures to follow soon. 

Spring 1


Goodbye winter, so long snow. It's time to watch the flowers go. 

Spring 1 is such an exciting term for the children. We enjoyed reading and writing our own versions of ‘Dogger’ and writing instructions for our very own toys. The children have used their scientific enquiry skills to explore different materials and exploring toys from the past and present. 
