Year 4W
Welcome to Year 4W
It is a new start for your children as they return to school. I am looking forward to working with you to support your child as they enter Year 4. I have high hopes and high expectations of all of the children.
Our classroom is a happy and positive working environment where praise and encouragements are used to motivate and support all of the children. I am looking forward to celebrating their achievements and seeing them progress throughout the year.
Your children will be challenged to be the very best they can be and encouraged to take part in every aspect of school life. There will be a voluntary homework drawer in class where the children can choose a task to take home. I value the support you give your child at home with reading, spelling, learning times tables and working on any topic based research or interests your child may enjoy.
If you have any queries or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me throughout the year. I look forward to working alongside you to help your child ignite their talents as the year progresses.
Miss Whitney
Year 4 Overview of Themes 2020-2021
Useful Reminders
PE will take place on a Monday and a Tuesday
Year group spellings will be available on Purple Mash each week.
Times tables tasks will be set either on SumDog or Purple Mash each week.
Children will have a regular challenge set on SumDog relating to Maths, Grammar and Spellings.
We expect your children to be reading daily, either from their home reader or from a book of their choice.
Spring Term
We started Spring term with some children learning from home and some learning in class. We have been busy keeping up to date with our Year 4 topics and skills. We started the term reading and listening to The Abominables by Eva Ibbotson. We then created our own diary entries as if we were Lady Agatha growing up with Yetis! In Maths we explored the properties of 3D shapes, using coordinates for translations and looking at statistics in bar charts and line graphs. We have acquired some amazingly exciting vocabulary!
We have loved finding out about States of Matter in Science and completing experiments from home. We have just started learning about the Tudors and the War of the Roses as part of our History topic.
Autumn Term
During the Autumn term we enjoyed creating new friendships and getting to know each other again after lockdown. We have loved following the adventures of Lila and Chulak in the book, Firework Maker's daughter by Phillip Pullman. The children created some very exciting stories about their own fantasy adventures which we shared with Mrs McNally. We learnt about Electricity in our Science topic where we created our own circuits using buzzers, bulbs and switches. We applied our knowledge of electrical circuits with a sprinkle of creativity to create a light-up Christmas cards. Our creativity blossomed when we made self-portraits based on the work of Picasso. Here are some examples of our work.