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Our Lady & St. Gerard's

R.C. Primary School

United in love and the light of Jesus, we inspire one another to learn, grow and shine.

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Children looked after (CLA)

Children Looked After (CLA)

Under the Children Act 1989, a child is legally defined as ‘looked after’ by a local authority if he or she:

  • gets accommodation from the local authority for a continuous period of more than 24 hours
  • is subject to a care order (to put the child into the care of the local authority)
  • is subject to a placement order (to put the child up for adoption)

Children who are 'looked after' may need additional support in school in order to reach their full potential.  If children are adopted from care, this support may need to continue.  


At OLSG, Miss Harvey is the Designated Teacher, responsible for overseeing the support and provision in place for any child who is looked after or post looked after.

The Virtual School

Lancashire County Council Virtual School provides support for people working with children who are 'Looked After' and those leaving care.  Their aim is to promote positive outcomes for young people and raise educational attainment.  Our Designated Teacher for CLA works closely with the Safeguarding and Pastoral Teams and with the Virtual School to ensure that children are supported appropriately throughout their time at OLSG.

Further information can be found on the Virtual School website.



SCAYT+ is a team of emotional health workers, social workers and clinical psychologists.  These professionals support carers, parents and professionals by providing advice about parenting, child behaviour and development, serious emotional, behavioural and relationship problems, past abuse, trauma and neglect.  

Where there are needs requiring this additional support, our Designated Teacher for CLA works closely with SCAYT+ and the family, to ensure the needs are met.


Personal Education Plans (PEPs)

The PEP is a statutory document that is required for all CLA from early years to 18 years and is the joint responsibility of Children's Social Care (Social Worker) and education (Designated Teacher/Practitioner). The purpose of the PEP is to support the CLA to progress in learning, thrive in their education setting, and achieve the best outcomes. It should also support effective communication and partnership working between the education setting, Children Social Care, the Child/Young Person, Carers, other relevant services and the Virtual School in the interests of the Child or Young Person.
